Cornwall Iron Furnace

Cornwall, PA – It is difficult to imagine that this quiet cluster of beautiful buildings nestled in the rolling hills of Lebanon County was once the home of a fire-breathing blast furnace… see below

About Cornwall Iron Furnace

It is difficult to imagine that this quiet cluster of beautiful buildings nestled in the rolling hills of Lebanon County was once the home of a fire-breathing blast furnace with an insatiable appetite for rocks and wood!

The five-acre site includes remnants of the original eighteenth century industry incorporated into the nineteenth century Furnace Building, Wagon Master and Blacksmith Shop buildings, Abattoir, and Charcoal Barn now refitted as a Visitor Center. In close proximity but not part of the site are the Iron Master’s Mansion, several workers villages, and the Cornwall Iron Ore Mine that today is filled with water. The site is administered by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission and is a National Historic Landmark as well as a Landmark of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

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Cornwall Iron Furnace

Rexmont at Boyd Street
Cornwall, PA 17016 

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