For the third year, the Schaefferstown Fire Company carnival grounds complex will transform into an immersive haunted attraction known as The Haunt. Ticket sales begin at 6:45 and end at 9:45 at $15 per person.
For the third year, the Schaefferstown Fire Company carnival grounds complex will transform into an immersive haunted attraction known as The Haunt. Ticket sales begin at 6:45 and end at 9:45 at $15 per person.
For the third year, the Schaefferstown Fire Company carnival grounds complex will transform into an immersive haunted attraction known as The Haunt. Ticket sales begin at 6:45 and end at 9:45 at $15 per person.
2 events,
"Join Rep. Russ Diamond and park staff for a 3-mile hike in the heart of Swatara State Park. The hike will begin at Sand Siding parking lot (40.504088,-76.510513), follow Sand Siding Trail onto Bear Hole Trail, and make a stop at Bordner's Cabin to talk about its unique history in our park. We'll then go […]
For the third year, the Schaefferstown Fire Company carnival grounds complex will transform into an immersive haunted attraction known as The Haunt. Ticket sales begin at 6:45 and end at 9:45 at $15 per person.
For the third year, the Schaefferstown Fire Company carnival grounds complex will transform into an immersive haunted attraction known as The Haunt. Ticket sales begin at 6:45 and end at 9:45 at $15 per person.
For the third year, the Schaefferstown Fire Company carnival grounds complex will transform into an immersive haunted attraction known as The Haunt. Ticket sales begin at 6:45 and end at 9:45 at $15 per person.
For the third year, the Schaefferstown Fire Company carnival grounds complex will transform into an immersive haunted attraction known as The Haunt. Ticket sales begin at 6:45 and end at 9:45 at $15 per person.
For the third year, the Schaefferstown Fire Company carnival grounds complex will transform into an immersive haunted attraction known as The Haunt. Ticket sales begin at 6:45 and end at 9:45 at $15 per person.